Home Tech Titans Music Management System

Tech Titans Music Management System

Intro Picture Photo taken by IgorVetushko

Our Vision

The Tech Titans Music Management System (TTMMS) offers a comprehensive range of features to enhance the music listening experience for users who own music stored on their devices. TTMMS aims to revolutionize music management by providing a user-friendly option for users to improve their music listening experience through informed playlist creation employing detailed tracked listening statistics and an intuitive song queue.

Meticulously, TTMMS is designed to offer a user-friendly and intuitive experience. It caters to music enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds who own music on their devices, providing exceptional control and organization of music.

TTMMS surpasses the capabilities of simple music players by enabling users to easily create playlists and gain valuable insights into their listening habits through detailed tracking of listening statistics of each song. By reporting detailed listening statistics, TTMMS empowers users to make informed decisions when curating playlists for various activities, reducing the need to skip tracks and ensuring uninterrupted listening enjoyment. For users who are not content with creating a playlist, TTMMS also offers an intuitive song queue, minimizing the effort for users to begin enjoying a temporary customized collection of continuous music.

The initial release of TTMMS focuses on offline functionality, with future iterations planned to introduce additional song-editing options such as remixes and a network feature that allows sharing playlists, showcasing listening statistics among users, and intelligent genre discovery. Moreover, TTMMS plans to offer versatile sound-shaping options, allowing users to tailor their music to their preferences by adjusting audio settings such as bass, treble, and tempo. These personalized settings are envisioned to be saved and persist across playbacks, ensuring a consistent and optimized audio experience without permanently modifying the original music files. Finally, TTMMS intends to go beyond simple randomized music recommendation systems by harnessing intelligent methods to suggest new music genres based on the user’s existing music collection, fostering meaningful musical exploration and discovery.

The success of TTMMS will be measured by conducting a comprehensive user survey, aiming for a satisfaction rate of at least 50% among users who report a reduction in song skipping when using playlists generated from TTMMS’s statistical insights. Additionally, at least 50% of users must find the statistical information provided by TTMMS helpful in making meaningful choices when creating playlists. Finally, at least 25% of survey participants must indicate the song queue offered a convenient and effortless option for quick enjoyment of continuous music. By attaining these objectives, TTMMS seeks to establish itself as an indispensable solution for music management, meeting the diverse needs of music enthusiasts across the globe.

TTMMS v3.0.0 Features

Play Music

The ability for users to control the playing of their music.

This feature is showcased extensively in various other feature videos.

Song Search & Filter

The ability for users to search for songs filtered by song name, artist, or genre.

The following video showcases both the Song Search and Song Filter feature.

Add/Remove Songs

The ability for users to add or remove songs from their music library.

Listening Statistics

The ability for users to view tracked listening statistics of each song.

Basic Music Player Functions

The ability for users to control the order music is played and mark a song as a favourite.

This feature is showcased in the Playlist Creation and Favourites Playlist feature videos.

Playlist Creation

The ability for users to create personalized playlists.

Favourites Playlist

The ability for users to have a playlist that contains all their favourite songs.

Song Queue

The ability for users to add songs to a queue of continually playing music.

Music Library Overview

The ability for users to receive a detailed informational breakdown of their song library.

Recently Played Songs

The ability for users to view a list of recently played songs.

Future Features

Stay tuned for these following features in a future release:

  • Audio Settings Customization
  • Location-based Listening Statistics
  • Genre Recommendation
  • Alphabetically Search Result Sorting


How did the project change from your initial (Iteration 0) vision or stories, or did it work out as predicted?

Throughout the course of the project, we observed several changes from our initial vision and stories outlined in Iteration 0. At the outset, after conducting extensive research, we found that all the intended features of the Tech Titans Music Management System (TTMMS) were feasible to implement in an offline setting. However, as we delved deeper into the development process, we encountered the dynamic nature of the speed at which progress moves, which differed significantly from our initial expectations.

One significant aspect that consumed more time than anticipated was the administrative tasks associated with project management, including documentation, user stories, feature implementation, and development tasks. These essential elements demanded meticulous attention and dedication, leading to a longer development timeline.

Another crucial factor that extended the project duration was the comprehensive testing phase. User acceptance testing, as well as unit, integration, and system tests, appeared to be a seemingly endless process, as we continuously sought to enhance the application’s quality and reliability. The pursuit of thorough testing was necessary to ensure the application’s robustness and seamless user experience.

Moreover, we encountered a shift in mindset during the development process. It became evident that programming an application merely to fulfill personal requirements was not sufficient. We recognized the significance of incorporating comprehensive artifacts within the application, enabling future developers to collaborate seamlessly and improve the software, even if they were not part of the original development team.

Despite our best efforts, certain challenges emerged due to time constraints and limitations imposed by external dependencies, such as certain libraries used for essential functionalities like the music player. As a result, some features initially envisioned for the application had to be deferred to future iterations, with the hope that our team members could collaborate effectively and add them to the application at a later stage.

The journey of developing TTMMS proved to be a valuable learning experience. We gained insights into the dynamic nature of development processes, the importance of thorough testing, and the need to design applications with future collaboration in mind. While some features were postponed, we remain committed to achieving a comprehensive and well-polished final product through ongoing teamwork and dedication.

What did you learn about team or large project development? What will you start doing, keep doing, or stop doing next time?

Throughout the course of this project, we gained valuable insights into team and large project development. One of the key lessons we learned was the importance of adopting a thorough and meticulous approach from the project’s inception. Although it might seem like more work initially, investing time and effort in laying a solid foundation pays off significantly in the long run. We encountered instances where rushed decisions led to technical debt, resulting in poorly designed code and a subsequent need for extensive refactoring to align with SOLID programming principles.

A humbling realization was recognizing the fallibility of our coding abilities and the potential for introducing bugs. To address this, we acknowledged the need to conduct more comprehensive user acceptance testing before each release. It became evident that some bugs could have been easily caught during this testing phase, thereby improving the overall quality of our releases.

Moving forward, we are committed to embracing a more thoughtful and strategic planning approach before diving into coding. By carefully considering the consequences and implications of our design choices, we aim to reduce technical debt and streamline the development process. Additionally, placing greater emphasis on user acceptance testing will serve as a safeguard against unexpected bugs, ensuring a higher quality final product.

Moreover, we have recognized the importance of setting aside our egos and prioritizing the quality of the end result over personal preferences. This shift in mindset will drive us to focus on delivering an exceptional product that meets the needs and expectations of our users.

We have gleaned valuable lessons from this project, and we are eager to apply these newfound insights in our future endeavours. By incorporating meticulous planning, comprehensive testing, and a commitment to excellence, we aim to elevate our team’s performance and deliver even more successful projects.


Intro Picture

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